Kamis, 20 April 2017

percakapan direct speech dan indirect speech

percakapan direct speech dan indirect speech

Nama :
Muhammad Kahfi Pramana (2C214703) Evanda Abdillah (23214685)
Ardianto (21214503)

Conversation between iyan, evan and kahf.
Direct and indirect sentences.

direct sentence
Iyan said "Good Morning Everything"
Evan said "Good Morning Everything"
Kahfi said "Good morning everyone"

Iyan said "want where we are today"
Evan said "we want to go to college"
Kahfi said "okay, okay"

Indirect sentences
Iyan said to evan "does kahf bring the car today?"

Direct sentence
Kahfi said "just wear my car .."

Indirect sentences
Evan said to iyan "evan told kahf to buy cold drinking water at his home"

Indirect sentences
Iyan said "kahfi please take evanda a glass of cold drinking water"

Direct sentence
Kahfi said "well friends wait a minute .."

Indirect sentences
Iyan said to evan "is there any food we can eat at home?"

Indirect sentences
Evan said "Kahfi said iyan whether your home there is food that we can eat"

Direct sentence
Kahfi said "there are foods that my mother is cooking .. let's eat first .."

direct sentence
Kahfi said to evan "when are we going to college? And is it not too late?"

Indirect sentences
Kahfi said to evan "please we will soon be late"

direct sentence
Evan said to iyan "kahfi word please fast iyan we can be late"

direct sentence
We should go now iyan said.

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